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World Bank

President: Gabriel Salazar Valdovinos

Chair: Juan José Durand Castro, Maria Fernanda Lugo Martínez, Eduardo Ricárdez Blanco, Edgar Rizo Rodríguez, Daniel Bárcenas Nieto.


Topic A) Strategies to establish post-conflict reconstruction in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, aiming to reactivate the economy and restore the damages caused by the Tigray civil warlike conflict 

Topic B) Strategies to prioritize the economic and social development in the Republic of Haiti, emphasizing on improving the life quality, as political instability and natural disasters have stopped their development

Background and faculties

During World War II, in 1944, a new institution was created whose main purpose was to support rebuild Europe and Japan. Nowadays, counting with 189 member countries, the World Bank's (WB) objective is to achieve sustainable solutions to reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. The World Bank is conformed by 5 organisms: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), The International Development Association (IDA), The International Finance Corporation (IFC), The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID); these institutions work as one to serve the partner countries. In 1947, the World Bank’s Board of Governors approved an agreement with the United Nations (UN), which acknowledges the WB as a specialized agency as defined by the Charter of the United Nations. However, the Bank is an independent organization and outlines its freedom in matters of lending and financial management.

With the objective of enhancing the sustainable development of a country, as well as reducing its poverty and promoting a better life quality, the World Bank is capable of:

  • Create programs which offer economic resources, technical assistance, donations and credits to help countries apply innovative solutions to the challenges they face.

  • Promote international cooperation and the foundation of economic alliances, where development issues are addressed.

  • Provide financial advice in order to help countries evaluate their politics and investments, so they can achieve their national level commitments.

  • Offer loans, guarantees, and advisory services, to countries who are facing regional and global challenges.

  • Dialogue with governments to help implement economic, environmental or social policies, whose main approach is to improve their economies, the standard of living and reduce poverty.

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